Come to Dinner > Imogen's Lament (I'm Terribly Tired of Being Three)

Imogen's Lament (I'm Terribly Tired of Being Three) Lyrics

I'm terribly tired of being three,
I'm terribly tired of being three,
I wanna be four, it's a whole lot more,
I'm terribly tired of being three.

If I was four I could ride a bike for sure,
If I was four I could stay up late,
If I was four I could be much taller,
If I was four life would be great!

I'm terribly tired of being three,
I'm terribly, terribly tired of being three,
I wanna be four it's a whole lot more,
Yes, I'm terribly tired of being three.

If I was four I could tie my shoes for sure,
If I was four I could reach that jar,
If I was four life I could write my name down,
If I was four I'd be a star!

I'm terribly tired of being three,
Three's not the number for me,
I wanna be four it's a whole lot more,
Yes! four's the number to be!

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Teaching Ideas

Ask your class if they know any 3 year olds.
Tell about them and discuss younger brothers and sisters.
Invent an oral questionnaire for your younger siblings.
e.g. Are you happy with your age?
Are you feeling good about another birthday?


Production Tips

Dress up as a 3 year old and sing
as you think they would.
Ham it up!