Come to the Beach > Pimples and Zits

Pimples and Zits Lyrics

Pimples and zits and explosions on the face,
What a huge curse on the human race!
Hair that wants to curl and teeth that won't grow straight,
Then you get a voice that just won't break,

Adolescence, impossible to bear! Adolescence, I wish I wasn't there!
Adolescence, I squeeze and poke and stare at the mirror in the bathroom,

'Cause my girlfriend doesn't care for
Pimples and zits and the explosions on the face
What a huge curse on the human race!
Hair that wants to curl and teeth that won't grow straight,
Then you get a voice that just won't break,

Adolescence, impossible to bear! Adolescence, I wish I wasn't there!
Adolescence, I squeeze and poke and stare at the mirror in the bathroom,

'Cause my girlfriend doesn't care for me!

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Teaching Ideas

• Leap into a unit on adolescence and the body changes you can expect. Make sure you have parental permission and your class is the right age


Production Tips

• Paint spots on everyone’s face who is singing this song.