A Piece of Cake Lyrics
Can you see that mountain touching the sky?
Gonna climb that mountain way up high, It looks just like an ice-cream pie,
"Be a piece o' cake," said Jim.
(Italian) "Un pezza de torta, un pezzo de torta, un pezzo de torta," said Jim.
Well we reached the lake and found the snow,
Legs were going a little bit slow, Just bit further, up we go,
"It's a piece o' cake," said Jim..
(French) "Un morceau de gateau, un morceau de gateau, un morceau de gateau," said Jim.
So I climbed that mountain way up high,
Knees were shaking and my mouth was dry, I was sure I was gonna die!
"It's a piece o' cake ," said Jim.
(Maori) "He walhi keke, he walhi keke, he walhi keke," said Jim.
We'll eat our lunch and then climb down,
It's quite a way down to the ground, The mud had turned my best jeans brown,
"It's a piece o' cake," said Jim.
(Spanish) "Un trozo de pastel, un trozo de pastel, un trozo de pastel," said Jim.
Back at the lodge those chefs were bakin',
Flour with eggs they'd started breakin' a choc'late cake those two were makin'
"Have a piece o' cake," said Jim.
(Cantonese, phonetic pronunciation)
" Yigh, kwigh dan gow, yigh kwigh dan gow, yigh kwigh dan gow," said Jim.
"A piece o' cake, a piece o' cake, a piece o' cake" said Jim.
Teaching Ideas
List phrases which would be helpful if you were in another country.
e.g. thank you, toilet, water, hotel.
Find out how to say them in a few different languages.
(Use students in the class if possible who speak another language)
Production Tips
When singing this song for an assembly, use National Dress if possible,
Make a cake to pass round and try and eat/pass it in time to music!