Fishfingers Tango Lyrics
I'm eating fishfingers, What happened to their toes?
I'm eating fishfingers, that ev'ry garden grows.
I'm eating fishfingers,
What do you think of that?
I'd rather eat hot dogs, I'd rather eat cold frogs,
Or even eat my hat,
Than eat those fishfingers, with green peas on the side,
Those awful fishfingers, with green peas on the side,
Those awful fishfingers, with crumbs on the outside,
I hate these fishfingers, it worries me to death.
Could we have rice instead? Or tuck into some bread?
I'll say with my last breath,
I hate fish fingers!
Teaching Ideas
• List strange things people eat such as snails, frogs' legs etc. Why do we think these are strange?
• Discuss various euphemisms used in food. Make a list, e.g. lambs fry instead of liver.
Production Tips
• Sing as a group to line 3, then split into solos, "I'd rather eat hot dogs" then another solo for "I'd rather eat cold frogs" and another for "or even eat my hat" to add a bit of variety.