A Corkscrew Tail - A Musical for Children > Spaghetti Western

Spaghetti Western Lyrics

I'm hangin' my pasta on the Hills Hoist,
I'm drying my spaghetti on the line.
I'm peggin' macaroni with a million little pegs and my fettuchini's feeling fairly fine

At Christmas time I got this pasta makin' machine,
It mixes and it flattens and extrudes,
It turns out fancy pasta in a dozen different shapes,
Now pasta is my favourite food

So I'm hangin' my pasta on the Hills Hoist,
I'm drying my spaghetti on the line.
I'm peggin' macaroni with a million little pegs and my fettuchini's feeling fairly fine
Yes, my fettucini's feelin' fairly fine,
Oh that fettucini's feelin' fairly fine, Yee Har!

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Teaching Ideas

• List different types of pasta. This song mentions some. Collect pasta and arrange it into a picture. Paint then lacquer to keep.


Production Tips

• Since this song has a western flavour, let the class dress up in western gear. Instead of a lasso they could have a few strands of spaghetti