I Used To Be Scared Lyrics
Miss Muffet: (Sing)
I used to be scared of all bugs
Chorus: (Sing)
Oh, yes she was
Miss Muffet: (Sing)
I used to think bugs were just thugs
Chorus: (Sing)
Oh, yes she did
Miss Muffet: (Sing)
But now that I’ve met them, I’ve started to pet them,
And large ones I kiss and I hug!
Chorus: (Sing)
She used to be scared of all bugs
Miss Muffet: (Sing)
Oh, yes I was
Chorus: (Sing)
She used to think bugs were just thugs
Miss Muffet: (Sing)
Oh, yes I did
Chorus: (Sing)
But now that she’s met them, she’s started to pet them,
And large ones she kisses and hugs!