Come to the Beach > Come to the Beach

Come to the Beach Lyrics

Come to the beach put your cossie on,
Grab your towel and your sunnies and we'll bop along.
Take your T-shirt, your board and a drink or two,
We'll have a real good time because we're going to have some fun
Shubba doo wah, shubba doo wah,
In the sun, shubba doo wah, shubba doo wah,
Block out on, shubba doo wah, shubba doo wah,
By the tonne, shubba doo wah, shubba doo wah!

Come to the beach put your cossie on,
Grab your towel and your sunnies and we'll bop along.
Take your T-shirt, your board and a drink or two,
We'll have a real good time because we're going to catch a wave,
Shubba doo wah, shubba doo wah,
What a rave, shubba doo wah, shubba doo wah,
Be so brave, shubba doo wah, shubba doo wah,
On that wave, shubba doo wah, shubba doo wah!

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Teaching Ideas

• Turn song into a rap with suitable actions
• Make a list of your favorite beaches


Production Tips

• As an item at assembly, sing the song first then present as a rap
• Act out the song or rap