Come to the Barbecue > Mr Garlato's Shorts

Teaching Ideas


  • Discuss your favourite clothes and your parents' favourite clothes. List them and illustrate
  • Discuss embarrassing moments your parents have caused you. Act them out
  • Read book 'Quarrel of Koalas' by Ronda & David Armitage
  • Discuss times when you have embarrassed your parents
  • How does advertising affect the way you buy your clothes and what you buy?
  • Make a list of clothes you consider to be totally 'untrendy'
  • Work out how much a ideal outfit would cost
  • Debate: 'Children should choose their own clothes'
  • Talk about different and the clothes worn for that job eg. Judges, businessmen, professional golfers
  • What clothes would you wear for a job interview? Why?
  • What does the phrase 'Mutton dressed up as lamb' mean? Or 'Fine feathers make fine birds'